First National Bank of Dwight
122 West Main Street
The financial success of the Keeley and its need to deal in foreign currencies warranted a national bank. In 1905 Frank L. Smith, a local real estate broker, along with the primary investors as officers, established the First National Bank of Dwight. The investors were John R. Oughton, President of the Keeley Company; Curtis J. Judd, Treasurer of the Keeley Company; Charles L. Romberger, an officer of the Keeley Company and practicing attorney; Joe Miller, a leading merchant; and R.S. Ludington, an attorney who had recently moved to Dwight.
Smith secured the country’s dean of architecture, Frank Lloyd Wright to design the building and furnishings. Some of the Wright furniture and fixtures can still be seen in the bank and at the Dwight Historical Society. The bank’s functional structure has required little change. The bank was one of only three designed by Wright and the only one remaining as a bank today.